No Need to Drag and Drop Lab Files.  This Two-Way Sync Reduce Errors.

    Hippo Manager’s direct integration with Zoetis allows for your practice management functionality and your lab needs all to be handled within one platform.


    Increase Efficiency; Save Time

    Easily connect VETSCAN and your Hippo Manager application. You will make the requisition in Hippo Manager, then process the lab work. Once the results are completed, the two-way sync is processed through Zoetis' Vetscan FUSE. The results populate in the patient profile within Hippo Manager.


    Maintain Complete, Organized Records

    Reconcile labs with patient files automatically, ensuring your records are up-to-date and easily accessible. Past results are viewable within the patient record and under the lab widget in Hippo Manager.

    Start reducing your workload and getting back to what matters



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